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White, Zinsser Bulls Eye Flat 1-2-3 Primer for All Surfaces Flat, Quart
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White, Zinsser Bulls Eye Flat 1-2-3 Primer for All Surfaces Flat, Quart

Product ID: 460409235
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White, Zinsser Bulls Eye Flat 1-2-3 Primer for All Surfaces Flat, Quart: Provides excellent adhesion to all surfaces without sanding. This water-based primer is compatible with water-based or latex paints. The outstanding low VOC and low-odor formula is designed to resist blistering, peeling and mold and mildew growth. It works well in low temperatures, inhibits rust and seal tanning bleed so your project ends up lasting longer. Priming before painting covers up what's beneath so your top coat color remains true. It also allows the top cot to stick more strongly. For all surfaces, use on interior and exterior new or previously painted drywall, wood, masonry and more, adheres to tough surfaces, such as chalky exterior siding and trim, galvanized metal and hardboard Fast drying, ultra-low odor water based primer and sealer is perfect for everyday use and can be applied under or over any topcoat Dried film is mold and mildew resistant making it ideal for high-humidity areas such as laundry rooms and bathrooms Permanently blocks and seals common stains, graffiti and tannin bleed, rust inhibitive - great for new metal Dries to the touch in 35 minutes Features a breathable, water-based formula designed to resist blistering, peeling and mold and mildew growth Mildew resistant film Clean up with soap and water Flat/matte white finish

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Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

1 day ago

Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

1 week ago

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