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Pen+Gear Vibrant Color 8-Tab Dividers with Pockets, Regular
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Pen+Gear Vibrant Color 8-Tab Dividers with Pockets, Regular

Product ID: 460403329
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Keep your schoolwork, paperwork, or other documents organized with Pen+Gear vibrant color 8-tab dividers with pockets, regular. They're specially designed to make it simple to keep papers neat and orderly. These durable plastic tab dividers are ideal for organizing letter-sized documents, reports, memos, homework and more. They're punched with three holes, so you can easily insert them into binders, pronged folders, and portfolios. Each divider is created to be tear-resistant and durable so they last as long as you need them to. The tabs on the side of the dividers allow for easy labeling and alphabetizing, and the pockets allow for extra storage. These pair perfectly with the Pen+Gear durable-view binder range. They have a standard size of 8.5-inch by 11-inch size, providing an ideal fit for your paperwork. 8 total tabs for organizing various topics and subjects Durable, tear-resistant construction for long-term use Pockets on each divider allows for additional organization of loose papers and notes Compatible with standard 3-ring binders, pronged folders, portfolios, and more Classic letter size of 8.5-inches by 11-inches Assortment of bright colors make each subject easy to identify Each package includes 5 vibrant colors of red, orange, yellow, blue, and purple tabs Pair with one of Pen+Gear’s many standard durable view 3-ring binders in any color or width Ideal for organizing letter-sized documents, reports, memos, homework, and more PVC free for a safer, more sustainable world

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Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

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Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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