E.L.F. Flawless Face Kit, 6 Piece Brush Collection
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E.L.F. Flawless Face Kit, 6 Piece Brush Collection

Product ID: 460396454
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The six-piece ELF Flawless Face Brush Collection includes all the brushes you need for flawless makeup application. The set includes concealer brush, eye shadow C brush, small angled brush, small stipple brush, eyebrow duo brush, and ultimate blending brush. Each brush is made of quality materials and is designed for optimum makeup application. Play Beautifully with ELF. Brush Details. Concealer Brush: Precisely cover and mask imperfections with this concealer brush. Eyeshadow "C" Brush: Expertly applies and blends color all over the eyelid curve with its dense, domed bristles. Can be used with wet or dry product. Small Angled Brush: Soft brush creates even, thin and straight lines. Can be used with wet or dry products. Small Stipple Brush: Create soft layers by adding texture with this Stipple Brush for a natural, airbrushed look. Can be used with liquid, cream or powder products. Eyebrow Duo Brush: Dual-ended brush has a dense, angled brush on one end to precisely fill in and contour brows while the wand side combs and shapes brows. Can be used with powder, cream and gel formulas for a polished look. Ultimate Blending Brush: The large dome-shaped brush head maneuvers around the crevices and contours the face for seamless and even coverage.

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Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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