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Rayovac Brite Essentials 4 LED Floating Lantern, 6V Battery Included, 200 Lumens
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Rayovac Brite Essentials 4 LED Floating Lantern, 6V Battery Included, 200 Lumens

Product ID: 457885217
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See your surroundings clearly after the sun goes down with this Rayovac 4 LED 6V Floating Lantern. Whether you're camping, hunting, fishing or hiking or experiencing a blackout, it will help keep you out of the dark. This waterproof floating lantern contains 4 LED bulbs that never need to be replaced. The long-lasting LED lights are designed to cast the lantern's beam at up to 400' of distance, a longer range than average lanterns. This Rayovac 4 LED 6V Floating Lantern also has a 30 hour run time, giving you plenty of light before needing to replace the battery. Additionally, not only is it designed to resist water, but it's also designed to float in case you happen to end up on the water in the dark. This Rayovac floating lantern includes a large sturdy handle for sustained comfort and control. It makes a practical addition to your camping gear or emergency kit, as well as a thoughtful gift. It comes with one 6V battery included. Rayovac Brite Essentials 4 LED Floating Lantern, 6V Battery Included, 200 Lumens SUPER BRIGHT: Illuminate your campsite or backyard with the 10 LED floating lantern EXTENDED RANGE: Shines up to 400 feet of beam distance to illuminate any space LONG LASTING: Runs for up to 30 hours with the included battery and the LED never needs replacing BATTERY INCLUDED: A 6V alkaline battery powers this floating lantern and is included with your purchase GUARANTEED FOR LIFE: Your purchase is protected by the manufacturer's lifetime warranty. See manufacturer website for details

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